The National Maritime Center is recommending that mariners renew their credentials at least 90 days in advance.
The MNC has been seeing “a significant surge in application submissions for Merchant Mariner Credentials over the past several months,” according to National Maritime Center Commanding Officer Capt. Bradley W. Clare, U.S. Coast Guard. “NMC staff are taking prompt action to process these applications, along with any previously pending applications, as quickly as possible.”
To avoid delays, the NMC is asking mariners to apply early for renewals, which mariners can apply eight months in advance of expiration; review applications with those at the Regional Exam Centers and Monitoring Units before turning in the applications (making an appointment is suggested) and to check the NMC website for tools and resources like the application acceptance and evaluator checklists.
For more, contact the NMC Customer Service Center via email at IASKNMC@uscg.mil, by phone at 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662) or via Live Chat on the NMC homepage, https://www.dco.uscg.mil/national_maritime_center/. Mariners can also ask for expedited mailing of credentials or medical certificates, which can track the package. Directions on expedited mailing are available on the NMC website.
Additional information is available at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/national_maritime_center/.