BRIX Marine has introduced its latest vessel in partnership with Anchorage, Alaska-based Ashbreez Boatworks: a 35-foot, full-width catamaran, the Port Angeles, Wash.-based vessel manufacturer said May 8.
Completed in December 2023, the Just 1 More catamaran was designed to be a cruiser that could handle fishing and shrimping expeditions, according to BRIX. The marine-grade aluminum-crafted vessel, which underwent sea trials last month, features Yamaha XTO 2 x 425 HP outboards, a fuel capacity of two 200 gallons and Yamaha Helm Master EX steering and joystick controls.
It also contains a Flir night vision camera, Quick Gyro MC2/X10 gyro stabilizer and Northern Lights 5 kw Genset, according to BRIX Marine.
The partnership between BRIX Marine and Ashbreez Boatworks dates back to 2015 with a 32-foot aluminum catamaran commission. Since then, the pair have collaborated on various projects, which included building the Resurrection Series, a line of custom catamarans created for fishing adventures.