Heavylift Shp Transports 38 Yachts from USA to Europe

Heavylift Shp Transports 38 Yachts from USA to Europe

Multipurpose and project heavy lift carrier AAL Shipping, in partnership with Peters & May, has successfully transported 38 private yachts – the largest of which was 32 meters long – on deck in a single sailing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Southampton, UK, and Antwerp, Belgium. The cargo covered an area of 2,500 square meters – about half the size of a football field – and was carried aboard the ‘mega size’ 31,000 dwt AAL Melbourne, with her 39,500-cubic meter intake capacity and weather deck space of 3,000 square meters. Marc Willim, General Manager of AAL’s Chartering Department, commented: “With 25-years’…
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WETA Adopts Safety Plan, Increases Ferry Service

WETA Adopts Safety Plan, Increases Ferry Service

The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) will resume San Francisco Bay Ferry service on the Richmond route and double service on the Vallejo route beginning on Monday, June 15. WETA has also adopted a six-point Passenger and Crew Safety Plan, formalizing safety measures put into effect to help prevent spread of COVID-19 in the Bay Area. “As the region gets back to work, San Francisco Bay Ferry provides a safe, clean and comfortable way to cross the Bay,” said Jim Wunderman, chair of the WETA Board of Directors. “WETA’s safety plan is geared toward protecting passengers…
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LA/LB Ports to Host CAAP Update Meeting June 24

LA/LB Ports to Host CAAP Update Meeting June 24

The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will update the public on progress toward the goals of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan during a Wednesday, June 24, meeting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held via WebEx, from 10 a.m. to noon. To participate in the meeting, click here to register and you will receive instructions on participating via computer or phone. Regular advisory meetings were called for as part of the CAAP Update approved by the Long Beach and Los Angeles boards of Harbor Commissioners in November 2017. Records of prior…
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First Full Crew Change Under COVID-19 Protocols in Singapore

First Full Crew Change Under COVID-19 Protocols in Singapore

Genco Shipping & Trading Limited, a US-headquartered drybulk shipowner, announced the successful full crew change of the Genco Liberty, a 180,032-DWT Capesize vessel, marking the first full crew change under new COVID-19 protocols in Singapore. A total of 37 seafarers were involved in this crew change, which was completed on June 6, 2020 and executed in accordance with protocols established by Genco, Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and the Synergy Group. John C. Wobensmith, Chief Executive Officer, commented, “Amid the outbreak of COVID-19, many individuals have been onboard oceangoing vessels in excess of the duration of their contracts, keeping them…
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Jones Act Turns 100

Jones Act Turns 100

On June 5th the US Maritime Industry is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Jones Act. The Jones Act is the foundation of the US domestic maritime industry and requires all waterborne cargo or "merchandise" moving from one American port to another be carried on a vessel that is crewed by American citizens (up to 25 percent of the unlicensed crew may be holders of a permanent resident document), built in the US, managed and owned by American citizens. Senator Wesley L. Jones, who served as Washington's 8th U.S. Senator from 1909-1932, is the author of the Jones Act. The…
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Long beach City College Offers Certificate In International Shipping & Customs Procedures

Long beach City College Offers Certificate In International Shipping & Customs Procedures

The Port of Long Beach Maritime Center of Excellence at Long Beach City College is now offering the live, on-line version of its six-week training program entitled, "International Transportation & US Customs Clearance Procedures." This 24-hour program takes a deep dive approach into three subjects related to importing into the United States: Ocean transportation, air freight and US Customs & Border Protection import procedures. Designed for people new to the logistics business, as well as industry veterans that need a brush-up, the college says this is the most comprehensive program of its kind in the entire country. Topics to be…
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USACE Issues Chittenden Locks Scour Repair Notice of Preparation

USACE Issues Chittenden Locks Scour Repair Notice of Preparation

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, issued today notice of plans to prepare, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, an environmental assessment (EA) for proposed urgent interim repairs to the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks (Locks) stilling basin apron, spillway ogee, and the fish ladder, located in the Lake Washington Ship Canal (LWSC) in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington. The purpose of this Public Notice is to solicit comments from interested persons, groups and agencies on the environmental impact of the proposal and issues for consideration in the EA. The Corps has posted the above referenced…
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US Sanctions Companies Transporting Venezuelan Oil

US Sanctions Companies Transporting Venezuelan Oil

On June 2nd, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated four companies for operating in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy. Additionally, OFAC identified four vessels as blocked property. The United States reiterates that the exploitation of Venezuela’s oil assets for the benefit of the illegitimate regime of President Nicolas Maduro is unacceptable, and those that facilitate such activity risk losing access to the US financial system. “The illegitimate Maduro regime has enlisted the help of maritime companies and their vessels to continue the exploitation of Venezuela’s natural resources for the regime’s profit,”…
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Foss Tugs Assist Hospital Ship

Foss Tugs Assist Hospital Ship

Foss Maritime and sister company Amnav assisted the Military Sealift Command Hospital Ship USNS Mercy this morning as she departed the Port of Los Angeles for her home port of San Diego. The Naval hospital ship arrived at the Port of Los Angeles on March 27 to serve as a referral hospital for non-coronavirus patients, and to offer relief to overburdened hospitals and ERs. Having bolstered the areas preparedness, she now returns to San Diego. The new ASD-90 tug Jamie Ann, along with sister tugs Alta June, Bo Brusco, and Amnav tug Michele Sloan assisted the massive former San Clemente-class oil tanker in her departure. This was…
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US Army Awards Crowley as Third Party Logistics Provider in Europe

US Army Awards Crowley as Third Party Logistics Provider in Europe

Crowley Solutions has received a multi-year award from the US Army 409th Contracting Support Brigade-Theater Contracting Command to provide transportation of personnel and cargo and procurement of material handling equipment (MHE) under the Third Party Logistics Europe Wide Movement (3PLEWM) contract. Under terms of the May 4 award, Crowley will provide third party logistics (3PL) services to the US government, NATO and non-NATO partners throughout the European Command area of responsibility, supporting the 21st Theater Sustainment Command (21st TSC) and Theater Movements Center (TMC), headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany. “As a global leader in 3PL services, particularly to the US Department…
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