Homeported in Dutch Harbor, Scandies Rose sank around 10 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2019, near Sutwik Island, Alaska. Two of the seven crew members aboard were rescued, but the remaining people were not found after a more than 20-hour search by Coast Guard members that encompassed 1,400 square miles.
The hearing will delve into the conditions that may have affected the vessel before and during the sinking, including “weather, icing, fisheries, the Scandies Rose’s material condition, owner and operator organizational structures and culture, the regulatory compliance record of the vessel, and testimony from the survivors and others,” according to the agency.
The hearing is set for Feb. 22 to March 5 at the Edmonds Center for the Arts. Attendance will be limited at the hearing as a COVID-19 health precaution. Those interested in following the hearing can see via daily live stream at 8 a.m. on weekdays at https://livestream.com/uscginvestigations/events/9427626. Sessions will be archived for later viewing. Updates will also be provided by Maritime Commons at www.mariners.coastguard.blog and on Twitter @maritimecommons with the hashtag #ScandiesRoseMBI.
The National Transportation Safety Board, which is working with the USCG, is also investigating the accident and is planning to release its own report.