Hello and Happy New Year,
This is just a reminder that starting the first week of January, the Pacific Maritime Online newsletter is going from a twice a week schedule to being sent out on just Tuesdays.
Among the reasons for this is to align the digital newsletter more closely with two of PacMar Online’s sister publications, Professional Mariner Online and Fishermen’s News Online, which each generate newsletters once a week.
(Another of our sister publications, Ocean Navigator, has a monthly newsletter, FYI.)
With the PacMar Online newsletter becoming a weekly, each edition will contain five stories, rather than four under the current system. So, in other words, each Tuesday, subscribers to the newsletter will receive links to five news stories of importance to the maritime industry.
The newsletter, of course, is free and will remain so.
Also, along with the change in frequency will come a change in time – each edition of the newsletter will be sent out at 10:15 am starting the first week of January, as opposed to the previous time of 11 am.
I know that change can be difficult for some, particularly those who appreciate steadiness and consistency.
But I, and the company as a whole, believe that these changes help more closely align readership and advertising demand without terribly inconveniencing our loyal readership and advertisers, who are paramount to Pacific Maritime’s success as a publication and Maritime Publishing as a company.
Hopefully, you feel the same way, but if you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can always feel free to contact me and I’d be glad to accept whatever input you have. My email address is included below. Thank you.
And as always, thanks for reading.
Managing Editor Mark Nero can be reached at mark@maritimepublishing.com.