For months, the port has been shattering cargo volume records largely because of dedicated waterfront workers, Seroka said.
“I want to thank the men and women of the ILWU, and all the other waterfront workers, who have come to work every day since the pandemic began,” Seroka said last week at three different ILWU local meetings. “We owe you a deep debt of gratitude for what you’ve done, and what you continue to do for our port and for our nation.”
In turn, ILWU leadership lauded Seroka and the port for helping dock workers during the pandemic, ensuring that workers received personal protective equipment, COVID tests and access to vaccines.
“Without them, we wouldn’t be here today,” said Local 63 Marine Clerks Association President Mike Podue. “I want to say a special thanks to the Port of Los Angeles for what it has done for the ILWU locals, for our families and for our community.”