Matson Inc. announced this week that it is committed to lowering its fleet’s greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and reaching net zero GHG emissions by 2050.
The Honolulu-based organization announced its long-term goals in a Sustainability Report 2020 Supplement.
“We are committed to doing our part in helping the world decarbonize and limit climate change,” said Matson Chairman and CEO Matt Cox. “We believe we have a responsibility to significantly reduce our carbon footprint by lowering our greenhouse gas emissions and our aim is to achieve these medium- and long-term goals by improving fleet and operational efficiency.”
He added that the company is supporting efforts to develop a research and development program that speeds up zero-carbon fuels and technologies.
“While these transformative technologies develop, we will continue to focus on improving the efficiency of our fleet and terminal operations,” he remarked.
The 2020 Supplement also highlighted Matson’s successes in lowering fleet GHG emissions by 23% since 2016, curbing shoreside lost time injuries by 10% from 2019 and reaching high vessel schedule reliability rates in 2020, including 98% in Hawaii service and 97% in Alaska service.
For more information, Matson’s Sustainability Report 2020 Supplement is available at www.matson.com/sustainability.