The Port of Hueneme recently received a financial boost for its emissions reduction plan from California Rep. Julia Brownley.
The congresswoman in May visited the port to deliver a check for $375,000, with the funds benefiting the Port of Hueneme Reducing Emissions, Supporting Health (PHRESH) Plan, which is developed with Ventura County Air Pollution Control District to “assess and address emissions, air quality requirements and goals, as well as look at future growth scenarios, emission control strategies, community involvement, strategy funding, implementation and monitoring.”
“These federal resources will support the port’s bold initiatives to address the climate crisis and aid in the development of a comprehensive climate action and adaptation plan for emission reductions and future zero-emission operations,” Brownley said in a May 8 announcement.
“Addressing the climate crisis is a collective objective, and I am committed to continuing to work with the Port of Hueneme to ensure that our region benefits from the tremendous opportunities for climate-smart economic growth and job creation that clean energy development will produce,” she said.