The Port of Long Beach plans to give the community an update on the Pier B On-Dock Rail facility project at a virtual meeting at 10 a.m. on March 2.
The project is considered the key component of the port’s rail capital improvement plan.
“It will shift more cargo to on-dock rail, where containers are taken to and from marine terminals by trains,” according to the port. “Moving cargo by on-dock rail is cleaner and more efficient, as it reduces truck traffic.”
Instead of trucks entering the facility, smaller train segments would come in and link up to a full-sized train, the port said.
Work is scheduled to start in 2023, with the first arrival, departure and storage tracks to be done by 2025, followed by more tracks coming online in 2030 and the project’s completion in 2032.
Those interested in attending can click here to register. Can’t make it? Following the meeting, a video recording is to be made available at www.polb.com/PierB.