The Port of San Diego recently netted a pair of prestigious awards from the San Diego chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals.
The association gave its Outstanding Technical Report Award to the port’s Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Coastal Resiliency Report, which looks at how the port plans to address projected sea level rise and studies its environmental and financial impacts.
The port also teamed up with the California State Lands Commission for the San Diego Ocean Planning Partnership Preliminary Assessment Report, which earned them the association’s Outstanding Public Involvement Award.
“As an environmental champion of San Diego Bay and its tidelands, the Port of San Diego is committed to making sure these public lands will be protected so that they may be enjoyed by future generations,” said Chairman of the Board of Port Commissioners, Garry Bonelli. “Port staff did an exceptional job ensuring that the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Coastal Resiliency Report reflected this. Additionally, port staff and State Lands Commission staff have underscored the importance of public involvement to help understand ocean planning. The port is honored to be recognized for its efforts on both of these reports.”
For more information on the port’s Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment and Coastal Resiliency Report, visit Additional information on the San Diego Ocean Planning Partnership Preliminary Assessment Report can be found at