Port of Seattle Passes 2021 Budget

he Port of Seattle Commission recently passed its 2021 budget and a five-year, $3.7 billion capital improvement plan focused on economic recovery and investment in the face of COVID-19 and the uncertainty it brings.

“Sticking to our core mission is the best way the Port can respond to the COVID-19 crisis and build an equitable recovery,” said Port of Seattle Commission President Peter Steinbrueck. “This budget invests in the most fundamental lines of business at the Port, work that no other government in the region is set up to do, to help our community survive this crisis and thrive in the coming recovery.”

About 35 percent of the port’s funding is dedicated to capital projects. The five-year plan includes installing COVID-19 safety measures for cruise terminals, bringing shore power to the Pier 66 cruise terminal, enhancing commercial fishing berths 6 & 8 at Terminal 91, developing a new Maritime Innovation Center at Fishermen’s Terminal and designing the upland maritime industrial development at Terminal 91, according to the port.

In 2021, the Northwest Seaport Alliance will start the first phase of efforts to prepare Terminal 5 in West Seattle for the arrival of bigger ships.

“Even as we manage the uncertainty of COVID, we are steering our way towards a positive and transformative year,” said Executive Director Steve Metruck. “Tough economic times forced us to focus our investments to deliver the greatest impact. We will come out of this pandemic stronger, more resilient, and more aware of how we can address inequity in our region.”

By Sarah Spangler