MARAD Grants Port of Oakland $50 Million for Harbor Modernization

MARAD Grants Port of Oakland $50 Million for Harbor Modernization

The U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) has awarded the Port of Oakland about $50 million toward the port’s multi-year plan to upgrade wharves and terminal infrastructure at Outer Harbor, the Northern California seaport announced Nov. 21. The estimated $66 million in upgrades allows the port to welcome Ultra Large Container Vessels, which can hold as many as 24,000 TEUs, and regularly call at West Coast seaports. The project also builds upon the port’s move toward emission-free operations. “This federal funding will help us improve infrastructure that will make the Oakland seaport a cleaner, safer and more efficient international…
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Alaska Projects Net $104 Million in Grants for Harbor, Dock Improvements

Alaska Projects Net $104 Million in Grants for Harbor, Dock Improvements

Six Alaskan coastal communities are expected to see significant investments in dock, harbor and port infrastructure. Alaskan Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan and Rep. Mary Sattler Peltola (D-Alaska) on Nov. 13 announced that the communities are anticipated to receive more than $104 million in grants via annual appropriations and the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) for port, harbor and dock-related development and upgrades. “Alaska is a resource-rich but infrastructure-poor state,” Sullivan explained. “With more coastline than the rest of the United States combined, maritime infrastructure is critical to our state. Due to Alaska’s geographic isolation, our…
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U.S. West Coast Ports Secure Infrastructure Funding

U.S. West Coast Ports Secure Infrastructure Funding

More than a dozen port projects in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington are expected to receive a portion of $653 million in Port Infrastructure Development Program funding announced Nov. 3 by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD). The chosen projects are expected to improve the safety, efficiency or reliability of cargo flow and boost port resiliency, the federal agency said. “Modernizing the nation’s port infrastructure is vital to the reinforcement of America’s multimodal system for transporting goods,” MARAD Ann Phillips said. “The advantages of cargo movement on water extend well beyond the maritime domain.” In Alaska, projects…
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Port of LA Nets $20M Federal Infrastructure Grant

Port of LA Nets $20M Federal Infrastructure Grant

The Port of Los Angeles has been awarded a $20 million federal infrastructure grant to pay for a road-railway grade separation project. The project calls for building a four-lane, rail-roadway grade separation, allowing for trucks to have easier access to an 80-acre marine support facility on Terminal Island, the port said. Currently, high traffic rail tracks and a tunnel with a low-height clearance has made it harder to access the facility for chassis and empty shipping container storage, according to the port. The project is expected to improve that access. When it’s done, the new rail-roadway is expected to link…
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