SSA Marine Debuts Electric Forklift at San Diego Port Terminal

SSA Marine Debuts Electric Forklift at San Diego Port Terminal

One of the biggest zero-emissions heavy-duty forklifts operating in the U.S. has been introduced at the Port of San Diego’s Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. Terminal operator SSA Marine announced March 6 that the 55,000-pound capacity Wiggins Yard eBull battery electric forklift has begun service at the Southern California port terminal. Partly funded by California’s Clean Off-Road Equipment (CORE) voucher program, the forklift is the first of six zero-emissions cargo handling equipment pieces expected to be rolled out at the terminal over the next 12 to 18 months; the port says that it has already finished initial electrical infrastructure installation necessary…
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SSA Marine Joins Green Marine Environmental Program

SSA Marine Joins Green Marine Environmental Program

Major terminal operator SSA Marine is now participating in Green Marine’s environmental certification program, starting with the company’s C60 container terminal for Matson Navigation in Long Beach and its West Sacramento location.  SSA, which operates terminals at almost 90 locations in 10 countries, said it intends to pilot the program with the two California terminals. If successful, would expand its Green Marine rollout.  “We’re committed to actively participating in enhancing environmental performance in the marine terminal industry,” SSA Marine CEO Knud Stubkjaer said. “Joining Green Marine’s comprehensive environmental program aligns with our commitments to incorporating best practices in each region…
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