Port of Long Beach Nets Grant for Railroad Project

By Karen Robes Meeks

The US Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration recently awarded a $14.5 million grant to the Port of Long Beach toward its “Terminal Island Wye Track Realignment” railroad project.

The $40 million project, which will consist of building new tracks and upgrading a triangle-shaped rail junction where long trains can be turned and staged, is expected to help improve safety, curb train idling, get trains in and out of the port more quickly and support the port’s effort for more on-dock rail and better access to two bulk terminals near Pier T, which will fund the rest of the project.

“We’re so pleased to see the US Department of Transportation support this important project,” said port Executive Director Mario Cordero. “This will help to move cargo more efficiently through the Port, which in turn supports jobs across the United States.”

Construction is expected to begin in mid 2021 and be completed by early 2023.

By Sarah Spangler