Port of Everett Signs MOUs with Neighboring Cities

By Karen Robes Meeks

The Port of Everett recently celebrated its new partnership with the cities of Arlington and Marysville with the signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) that pave the way for the Cascade Industrial Center (CIC) to generate more jobs and bolster the region economically.

The MOUs allow the port to leverage its resources and expertise in various areas such as financing, grants, planning and environmental support and regulatory strategy to help the center. The CIC area offers more than 1,700 acres of buildable manufacturing and industrial opportunity close to vital transportation arteries such as I-5, the port, BNSF rail and the Arlington Municipal Airport.

As part of the celebration, the City of Arlington and Arlington Public Schools also launched the new Arlington Career Internships Program for local high school juniors and seniors.

By Sarah Spangler