Harbor Commissioners Commit to Decarbonizing Hueneme Port Operations

Port of Hueneme/Oxnard Harbor District
Port of Hueneme/Oxnard Harbor District
Image via Port of Hueneme/Oxnard Harbor District.

Oxnard Harbor District Commissioners voted on Nov. 15 to adopt a resolution to committing to decarbonizing operations at the Port of Hueneme as part of its pursuit of a zero-emission future.

“Adoption of this resolution shows our long-standing commitment to achieve zero emissions with clean energy and to reach this goal with honesty and integrity to do what is morally right for the planet,” Oxnard Harbor District President Jason Hodge said.

The Port of Hueneme, which is owned by the Oxnard Harbor Commission, was recently awarded a $200,000 grant from the California Energy Commission to help identify actions and milestones needed to implement medium and heavy duty zero-emission vehicles, equipment and marine vessels and their related electric charging and/or hydrogen refueling infrastructure.

The port was also awarded a $3 million Zero-and Near Zero-Emission Freight Facilities Project grant from the California Air Resources Board in coordination with the Port of Los Angeles, and has purchased the port’s first two all-electric, zero emission cargo handling rucks, and electrical infrastructure to plug in zero emission equipment.

In addition, Oxnard Harbor Commissioners voted to approve a $7.5 million project to add more electrical infrastructure to allow customers to plug in hybrid mobile harbor cranes so that they can operate with zero emissions.

Harbor District officials have said the focus will be to continue to implement projects for zero emission cargo handling.

Port Community Outreach Manager Miguel Rodriguez “said that the resolution serves as a reminder that the work of the port does not stop at the fence line but extends into the local community — to the working families who are the primary recipients of its economic benefits but also who have been impacted by its pollution.”

“Since 2012, the port has embarked on a new chapter of integrating sustainability into its day-to-day operations,” Rodriguez said. “There is tremendous momentum gathering around decarbonizing the shipping and logistics industry.”