NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries on the West Coast have teamed up to kick off its inaugural Operation Clean Seas, an effort to raise public awareness on sanctuary discharge rules in the Olympic Coast, Greater Farallones, Cordell Bank, Monterey Bay, and Channel Islands national marine sanctuaries.
“National Marine Sanctuaries are America’s most valued ocean areas,” said Greg Busch, Assistant Director of NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement, West Coast Division. “Compliance with discharge regulations helps ensure these special places are available for current and future generations.”
The awareness program, which will be promoted through Labor Day weekend, will involve informational pamphlets to those who operate commercial fishing, recreational, and charter vessels at dockside inspections and at-sea boardings, as well as to the public at national marine sanctuary and marina offices.
Tips include:
- Discarding untreated sewage and graywater by using sewage pump-out or dump stations or mobile pump-out services.
- Curbing graywater’s effect on the environment by using a phosphate-free soap to and showering and dish washing on the mainland to lessen graywater discharge.
- Protecting against oily and dirty bilge water discharge by making regular engine, hose and fitting checks and adding an oil absorbent pad or pillow in your vessel’s bilge.
- Not using soap to disperse fuel and oil spills or bilge cleaners.