U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Ryan Manning is expected to helm the Port of Long Beach’s Security Division beginning this spring.
The port announced Jan. 22 that its Board of Harbor Commissioners has approved Manning’s appointment to lead the Security Division, which is responsible for providing portwide safety and security and collaborating with various agencies on those efforts.
Manning is expected to start in his new role after March, when he retires as the Guard’s captain of the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach, and Commander of Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach.
In that role, Manning oversees 550 active duty, reserve and civilian personnel and 750 volunteer auxiliary members that provide maritime safety, enforcement and environmental protection services from Orange County to San Luis Obispo County and in the San Pedro Bay ports.
He previously was the commanding officer of Coast Guard Activities Europe, where he directed Coast Guard vessel inspection and port security assessments across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Manning obtained his commission from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 1994 and has master’s degrees in mechanical engineering, joint campaign planning and strategy.