BC Ferries Names New President-CEO

BC Ferries Names New President-CEO

The British Columbia Ferry Services Board has announced the appointment of Nicolas Jimenez as president and chief executive officer of BC Ferries, effective March 6. Jimenez, currently president and CEO of the Insurance Corporation of B.C. (ICBC), was selected following an international search, according to the Ferry Services Board. Over the last 20 years, Jimenez has held a number of senior roles at ICBC, taking over as president and CEO five years ago. He led structural reforms at ICBC in recent years, returning the auto insurer to financial health and delivering more affordable insurance to customers, according to the Ferry…
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Two Island Class Ferries to Begin Service on BC’s Campbell River-Quadra Island Route

Two Island Class Ferries to Begin Service on BC’s Campbell River-Quadra Island Route

Two new hybrid-electric Island Class ferries are expected to begin round-trip services on the Campbell River–Quadra Island route in British Columbia starting Jan. 18, BC Ferries has announced. The presence of Island Nagalis and Island K’ulut’a allows the transportation agency to bolster service route from 18 trips to as many as 29 trips daily. With one vessel operating 18 hours and the other vessel operating 12 hours to cover the busiest time of the day, the two vessels allow BC Ferries to offer more service at peak hours and more capacity overall. The new two-ship service helps with commuter traffic…
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BC Ferries Sees Quarterly Ridership, Revenue Increases

BC Ferries Sees Quarterly Ridership, Revenue Increases

Vehicle and passenger traffic, revenue and net earnings were all higher for BC Ferries in its most recent quarter compared to the same periods in the prior year, according to data released in late November. For the six months ending Sept. 30, 2022, 5.4 million vehicles were carried, up 4% over the 5.2 million vehicles in the same period in fiscal 2020, pre-COVID. In the three months ending Sept. 30, 2022, BC Ferries carried 7.5 million passengers and 3.0 million vehicles, compared to 7.0 million passengers and 3.0 million vehicles in the same period in the prior year, data show.…
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BC Ferries: Traffic, Revenue Up During 2nd Quarter

BC Ferries: Traffic, Revenue Up During 2nd Quarter

BC Ferries’ traffic, revenue, net earnings and expenses were up over the three-month period that ended June 30, the agency announced Aug. 18. During that time, according to company data, passenger traffic surged 74% and vehicle traffic rose 42% from the same time in 2021. “This quarter marked the highest ever first quarter for vehicle traffic,” the agency said. Meanwhile, revenues for the most recent quarter swelled to $35.7 million when compared from the same time last year due mainly to heightened traffic numbers and net retail sales and offset in part by lower applied Safe Restart Funding, the agency…
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New BC Ferries Board Chair Appointed

New BC Ferries Board Chair Appointed

Joy MacPhail is the new chair of the Board of Directors for British Columbia Ferry Services Inc., or BC Ferries, it was announced Thursday, June 30. MacPhail takes the reins from outgoing Board Chair Brenda Eaton, whose term ended June 23. “The BC Ferries Board thanks Ms. Eaton for her commitment and valuable service as chair and board member,” the ferry services company said in a statement. “Her leadership and strategic direction, particularly during the global pandemic, has helped the company emerge from the challenge well positioned to serve the public interest.” MacPhail previously served as chair of the Insurance…
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COVID-19 Impacted BC Ferries, Year-End Results Show

COVID-19 Impacted BC Ferries, Year-End Results Show

Traffic and revenue were up from the previous fiscal year for BC Ferries, but down from pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, according to the British Columbia transportation agency, which released its year-end FY results Friday, June 24. For the 2022 fiscal year ending March 31, 37% more passengers (17.9 million) and 26% more vehicles (8.5 million) rode BC Ferries than the year before. However, passenger traffic was down 20% and vehicle traffic down 5% compared to the pre-pandemic 2019 fiscal year. Revenue was up 12% to $965.4 million, a $100.1 million increase, from the previous year due to higher traffic and net…
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Prince Rupert Port Authority Honors Four Firms for Green Efforts

Prince Rupert Port Authority Honors Four Firms for Green Efforts

Four companies were recently spotlighted by the Prince Rupert Port Authority for their 2021 performance in the port’s Green Wave environmental incentive program. COSCO Shipping Lines, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Navigator Gas LLC and BC Ferries were among the companies honored for their efforts within the annual program, which since 2013 incentivizes shippers with reduced harbor fees who practice sustainability based on how their commercial vessels curb air emissions and underwater noise levels. One measurement into the program is RightShip’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rating, which assesses vessels on their efficiency. Last year, 28 vessel calls qualified for the program using…
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BC Ferries’ New Island Class Vessels Run New Routes 

BC Ferries’ New Island Class Vessels Run New Routes 

BC Ferries recently welcomed new Gabriola-Nanaimo Harbour route commuters on its new Island Class vessels.  The addition of the new vessels allows BC Ferries to bolster capacity and sailing frequency to support commuters and school children leaving Gabriola, according to the transportation agency.  One vessel is scheduled to run an 18-hour service while a second vessel is to run at the busiest 12-hour time of the day, allowing for more passenger and vehicle capacity throughout the day.  Each ferry can carry 47 vehicles, is battery-equipped to become fully electric in the future and outfitted with hybrid technology. Both also have…
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