USCG To Conduct Missions in Alaska This Summer

USCG To Conduct Missions in Alaska This Summer

From June through August, the U.S. Coast Guard be involved in search and rescue, vessel safety, defending Alaska’s marine resources and other mission goals, according to the USCG. This week, members of the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Teams and Sector Juneau began conducting summer missions in Petersburg and Wrangell, Alaska including inspections in Petersburg, and offering commercial fishing and charter boat exams. The USCG said it plans to keep a regular presence on the water and board vessels with a pair of 29-foot response boat crews. With the upcoming departure of Coast Guard cutter Anacapa and the…
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USCG Cutter Cuttyhunk Decommissioned

USCG Cutter Cuttyhunk Decommissioned

One of the U.S. Coast Guard’s remaining 110-foot Island-class patrol vessels, the cutter Cuttyhunk, was decommissioned Thursday, May 5 in a ceremony at Air Station Port Angeles in Washington. Cuttyhunk was among the 37 110-foot Island-class patrol boats in service. A fleet of 154-foot Sentinel-class cutters will replace the Island-class vessels, according to the USCG. The Cuttyhunk was commissioned in 1988 to support various USCG operations, including search and rescue, drug and fisheries enforcement and maritime homeland security. During its 34-year tenure, the vessel’s crew has accomplished more than 1,000 operations ranging from responding to search and rescue calls in…
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USCG Cutter Polar Star Returns From Operation Deep Freeze 

USCG Cutter Polar Star Returns From Operation Deep Freeze 

After 147 days traveling in Antarctica and the Southern Hemisphere for Operation Deep Freeze, the 140 crew members of the Seattle-based U.S. Coast Guard cutter Polar Star returned to the U.S., dry docking in Vallejo, Calif., for upgrades.  Operation Deep Freeze is an annual mission supporting the National Science Foundation. During its most recent deployment, Polar Star made stops in Wellington and Lyttelton, New Zealand, and Hobart, Tasmania, Australia and hosted the U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand and the Royal New Zealand Navy.  In Antarctica, the cutter moved through over 450 miles of pack ice and carved out a 37-mile…
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Three Illegal Charter Boats Terminated in San Diego 

Three Illegal Charter Boats Terminated in San Diego 

U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Diego recently put an end to three charter boats illegally operating in San Diego Bay, USCG officials confirmed April 14.  The three charters were shut down because of “unsafe overloading conditions, insufficient lifesaving equipment and failure to provide a qualified or licensed operator while carrying passengers for hire,” according to the USCG.   The vessels cannot operate, according to the USCG, until they can prove that they have met all valid charter requirements.  “Illegal charters are a serious risk to their passengers and to other boat operators on the water,” Coast Guard Sector San Diego Cmdr.…
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Stranded Container Vessel Towed to San Francisco Bay  

Stranded Container Vessel Towed to San Francisco Bay  

The Wan Hai 176, a Singapore-flagged container ship, recently had to be towed to San Francisco Bay after losing engine power.  The 564-foot vessel, which carried 21 people and 783 containers filled with miscellaneous material, was anchored about seven miles off the coast of Point Reyes on April 10 when the U.S. Coast Guard’s Unified Command coordinated the tow to anchorage in the San Francisco Bay.  The 112-foot tug Delta Deanna passed tow lines to Wan Hai 176 crew members and towed the container ship with escort tugs Stacey Foss, Delta Billie, Delta Deanna and Rachel Allen.  When the vessel…
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Biden Nominates First Woman for USCG Commandant 

Biden Nominates First Woman for USCG Commandant 

U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Linda L. Fagan has been nominated by President Joe Biden to lead the USCG as its 27th commandant, and would become the first woman to serve in the leadership role if confirmed.  “Admiral Fagan is an exceptional senior Coast Guard officer and nominee, possessing the keen intellect, the depth of operational experience, and the well-honed leadership and managerial acumen to serve with distinction as our service’s 27th Commandant,” said current USCG Commandant Admiral Karl L. Schultz, who is set to retire this summer.  Fagan is currently the 32nd vice commandant, the agency’s vice service chief and…
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USCG Kimball Offloads Illegal Drugs in San Diego

USCG Kimball Offloads Illegal Drugs in San Diego

Crew members with the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Kimball on Thursday, March 31 delivered over 11,300 pounds of seized cocaine and over 4,000 pounds of apprehended marijuana in San Diego. The more than $223 million worth of drugs was taken during eight interdictions in February and March in the Eastern Pacific Ocean with the help of partnering vessels. The Kimball, a 420-foot Legend-Class National Security Cutter homeported in Honolulu, played a major role in the drug seizures, including one interdiction resulting in roughly 2,295 pounds of cocaine; a joint effort with Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Yellowknife to seize about 331…
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USCG Receives Port of Portland Bridge Proposal

USCG Receives Port of Portland Bridge Proposal

The U.S. Coast Guard is asking the public – and mariners in particular — to weigh in on the navigational element of a proposal for a new Portland-to-Vancouver bridge. This is the first step in the USCG’s bridge permitting process. The Oregon Department of Transportation and the Washington State Department of Transportation are the agencies leading the bridge replacement program. The public has until April 25 to comment on a preliminary navigation clearance determination from the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program from Portland to Vancouver, Washington, I-5 twin bridge. “Maritime transportation system stakeholders (vessels and facilities) are highly encouraged to carefully…
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