The Port of Los Angeles is seeking public feedback regarding the proposed Terminal Island Maritime Support Facility Project at 740 Terminal Way.
The port recently released an Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (the initial step in an environmental review) for the project, which would encompass a chassis support and container storage facility and improvements on 80 acres.
The site would be used as a full-service chassis depot for storing, maintaining and repairing chassis and/or empty cargo containers. A term permit for up to 25 years would be issued, according to the port.
The public may weigh in on the project at a virtual meeting at 4 p.m. on Jan. 9 via Zoom.
Comments can also be submitting in writing until Jan. 22 via email to ceqacomments@portla.org, with “Terminal Island Maritime Support Facility Project” in the subject line.
Comments may also be sent by mail to the Director of Environmental Management, Los Angeles Harbor Department, 425 South Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro, CA 90731.
This feedback is expected to be included in the Draft Environmental Impact Report and helps the port look for possible environmental effects and alternatives for the project.
For more, go to portoflosangeles.org/ceqa.