BRIX Marine Expanding its Port Angeles, Wash. Facility

BRIX Marine Expanding its Port Angeles, Wash. Facility

BRIX Marine plans to expand its Port Angeles, Wash. manufacturing facility, the vessel builder announced Oct. 23. The new more-than-35,000-square-foot facility would allow BRIX Marine to grow its production capacity and broaden its range of products, the company said. The new location along Marine Drive in Port Angeles also offers BRIX Marine direct access to the Port Angeles Boat Haven through Marine Travelift, according to the company. The expansion is expected to generate job opportunities in the area, from construction work on the new facility to BRIX’s plans to expand its workforce with 14 new jobs, such as engineers and…
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BRIX Marine Launches New Survey Boat

BRIX Marine Launches New Survey Boat

BRIX Marine has launched the Lugudi Barana, a new, modern 3011-CTC survey boat, the Port Angeles, Wash.-based vessel manufacturer said March 4. The new vessel has a 30-foot hull length, a 28-foot waterline length and a lightship weight of about 9,500 pounds. It also features 5086 alloy aluminum hull skins, 5052 alloy aluminum interior transverse frames and longitudinal T-bars, according to the company. The boat also features self-bailing aluminum decks, watertight bulkheads and anodes for cathodic protection, as well as various accessories for surveying, such as an extended “T” transom, welded aluminum handrails and a generator-driven hydraulic system, said BRIX…
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New Zealand Boat Builder Opens Seattle Manufacturing Plant

New Zealand Boat Builder Opens Seattle Manufacturing Plant

New Zealand-based boat building company Stabicraft has expanded its operations by opening a manufacturing plant in Seattle. The news was reported in late November by New Zealand news and information website Stuff. Stabicraft, which is continuing to build aluminum boats in New Zealand, has also opened a Seattle location due to increased sales in the U.S, chief executive David Glen has said, and plans to focus on efforts on manufacturing and growth into the American market. “We see considerable growth opportunity in the USA,” was quoted by Stuff as saying. “We have been successful in growing our sales there, but…
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