Los Angeles, Long Beach Ports Delay Container Dwell Fee 

Los Angeles, Long Beach Ports Delay Container Dwell Fee 

As the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles continue to see progress on aging cargo containers clearing their docks, both ports announced Friday that they will postpone implementing the Container Dwell Fee until April 29.  First announced Oct. 25, the fee would charge ocean carriers $100 for every import lingering at their marine terminals by nine or more days, rising in $100 daily increments on every import until it leaves the ports.  The fee was created with the Biden-Harris Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force and federal transportation agency and supply chain stakeholders to help reduce the number of containers…
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San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Time Rose in March, Data Show 

San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Time Rose in March, Data Show 

Container dwell time – the amount of time a container stays at a marine terminal after it is unloaded from an ocean carrier and taken off the premises by a truck or by rail – increased at San Pedro Bay ports in March, according to new data compiled by the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association.  In March, containers leaving on trucks remained on terminals for an average of 6.26 days, up from 5.84 days the month before. Dwell time for containers leaving on rail increased by more than two days with an average of 7.7 days in March, up from 5.2…
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LA, Long Beach Ports Seek Feedback on Cargo Handling Equipment Document 

LA, Long Beach Ports Seek Feedback on Cargo Handling Equipment Document 

The public has until April 29 to weigh in on a draft document by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach that looks at the feasibility of new and emerging cargo-handling equipment technology.  The ports extended the deadline to April 29 to gather more feedback on the draft, which further examines the original 2018 assessment and looks into the “current state of technology, operational characteristics, economic considerations, infrastructure availability and commercial readiness relating to cleaner cargo-handling equipment,” according to the ports.  The draft is part of larger efforts by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to reduce…
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Port of Long Beach Has Busiest March for Cargo Volumes 

Port of Long Beach Has Busiest March for Cargo Volumes 

The Port of Long Beach recorded its busiest March ever for cargo volumes, according to data released Thursday, April 14.  Long Beach handled 863,156 TEUs during the month, a 2.7% uptick from March 2021. Imports rose 4.7% to 427,280 TEUs, while exports fell 18.3% to 114,185 TEUs year over year. Empty containers rose 10% to 321,691 TEUs, port data show.  March is typically a slow month for shipping but the port has been working diligently to lower the amount of older containers from terminals and the number of ships waiting to come into the port.  “Imports are on the rise…
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San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Still on Hold 

San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Still on Hold 

The Long Beach and Los Angeles seaports have moved the implementation date of the “Container Dwell Fee,” a fee that would charge ocean carriers for lingering containers, until April 22.  Leaders at both ports have delayed the fee weekly based on how well containers have been moving out of marine terminals. So far, the adjoining ports say, they have seen the amount of older cargo left on their docks drop by 42% since announcing the program Oct. 25.  Los Angeles and Long Beach port leaders have said they plan to continue monitoring that progress throughout the week.  The temporary fee,…
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LA, Long Beach Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Start Again Postponed

LA, Long Beach Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Start Again Postponed

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have again moved the start date of a fee that would charge ocean carriers for lingering cargo containers. The start date is now planned for April 15, but implementation will depend on the weekly progress of how many older imports are staying on the ports’ docks past their allotted time. So far, leaders from both ports have been seeing the number of aging containers fall by 49% since first announcing the fee Oct. 25. Recently, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association reported better dwell times for cargo leaving by truck in February, with an…
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Los Angeles, Long Beach Ports Establish Clean Truck Fund Program

Los Angeles, Long Beach Ports Establish Clean Truck Fund Program

The Los Angeles and Long Beach seaports this month formally kicked off the new Clean Truck Fund, which was established to further the development of zero-emission trucks and related infrastructure.   The Clean Truck Fund program calls for the collection of at least $10 per loaded TEU on trucks coming and going from terminals. Containers hauled by zero-emission and low-nitrogen oxide-emitting drayage trucks may get short-term exemptions from the rate.   The fund is expected to yield about $90 million in the first year of collection, according to the ports.   “The launch of today’s program is an important step forward, yet much…
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LA, Long Beach Ports Again Delay Container Dwell Fee

LA, Long Beach Ports Again Delay Container Dwell Fee

As lingering cargo continues to steadily make its way out of the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, leaders from both ports have once again pushed back the start date to collect on container dwell fees from ocean carriers, this time to April 8. The fee, which would charge ocean carriers $100 for every import that stayed at terminals nine or more days plus $100 increments for every day a container remained, has been put on hold a week at a time since last fall as leaders review their dwell data. The pandemic has played a role in the…
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San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Start Date Again Delayed

San Pedro Bay Ports’ Container Dwell Fee Start Date Again Delayed

A fee that would charge ocean carriers for lingering cargo containers at the Los Angeles and Long Beach seaports has again been postponed an additional week, this time to April 1. Leaders from both ports made the announcement following steady decline of older cargo leaving their docks. Since announcing the fee Oct. 25, the ports have watched lingering containers drop 57%. They plan to continue to monitor the progress week by week. The fee calls for ocean carriers to be billed $100 per container, with $100 daily increments per container until the container departs the terminal. Meanwhile, the Pacific Merchant…
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Port of Long Beach Has Its Busiest Ever February

Port of Long Beach Has Its Busiest Ever February

The Port of Long Beach recorded the busiest February in its history last month, handling 796,560 TEUs, according to new data released by the port. Long Beach moved 3.2% more cargo last month than it did in February 2021, with imports rising by 4.4% to 390,335 TEUs; exports dropping 1.2% to 117,935 TEUs; and the number of empty containers moved growing 3.5% to 288,290 TEUs year over year. Port officials are crediting the numbers to the port’s ongoing progress of quickly moving aging cargo away from terminals. “We are moving record amounts of cargo and catching up with the ongoing…
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